Today's birthdays include Michael Hayden, Sally Struthers and Elizabeth Berkley.
Ya know that saying about more talent in one finger... I think about Michael's Billy Bigelow vs Sally and Elizabeth's best ventures. Some kind soul sent me an email that told me:

    "Sally opened in "Always...Patsy Cline" in Las Vegas with Rachel Ricca (as Patsy)...as a Birthday present to Sally, the Las Vegas Review Journal gave the show a glowing review. It's at the Silverton Hotel and a bargain at $27.50."

The Man Who Came to Dinner': Another Slice of Roast Boor, en Croûte, on the Roundabout Menu

Follies casting news:

    "Apparently, the Ben in the Roundabout "Follies" looks to be Gregory Harrison, and the Sally looks like Judith Ivey. The Buddy? Either Michael Rupert or Dan Butler. Also mentioned as firmed up- Carol Woods, Betty Garrick, and maybe Rita Moreno."

Milstein/Weiler Times Square Property May Go Up For Bid

Who'll Get Annie's Gun? Not Osmond, and Speculation Is Wild

Cats Still Set to Close Sept. 10

SAG Seeks NYC Resolution to Better Monitor Non-Union Filming During Strike, July 27

Clear Channel Reports Record Results in Second Quarter, Net Revenues Up 56 Percent

Bryant Park "Broadway Series" Seeks Rain Date After Canceling July 27

Stars Gather at Roundabout's AA Theatre Dedication

Loving Rainbow by Peter Filichia

Notre Dame de Paris Closes in Vegas

'Paris' Craps Out In Vegas. Musical closes Saturday after 200 perfs.

Notre Dame de Paris is going to Broadway!
You read correctly. After its outstanding run in Vegas, the producers are planning to bring it to NYC. Oh my.

Sherry Returns by Ken Mandelbaum
(I've linked to the printable copy -- which has lower graphics, and should load faster)

Another confirmation of so-called Rocky casting "Fantasy" is that Dick Cavett has been cast as the Narrator in Rocky Horror Show. We told you here first. (on 7/14) And the producers should not deny it so quickly. After all, they know where I get my info. It's not a hard leap.

Today's birthdays include: Vincent Canby, Betty Thomas and Emma Goldman.

Rita Moreno in Follies? Could be. Who knows?

A Roundabout Journey to Glamour

Simpatico, Childs, Others Develop Musicals at CT's O'Neill Conference, July 31-Aug. 13
I know that I mentioned this article earlier, but I have additional information about it. Julia Murney, of MTC's Wild Party, is in The Screams of Kitty Genovese. Noted is that the O'Neill Center is where Lippa's Wild Party began. So if you are a fan of Julia's or the show, you should make it up to CT to see Kitty. The public is invited to attend staged readings, Aug. 3-5, and 9-12, at 8:00 p.m., in the Dina Merrill Theatre.

Philly Alliance to Shine with a Shaner; New Exec Director Starts Aug. 1

Restaurant King Rockwell to Design Sets for Rocky Horror Show

This article mentions:

    "The same source described certain casting reports as "fantasy" after Daphne Rubin-Vega was reported to have been cast in the role of Magenta."

I guess you have to say those things when you cast 99% of your show before the deadline for the "Internet Casting". I would imagine that if you checked with Equity, there would be contracts filed, and commitments made.

Talks Between SAG and Commercial Advertisers at a Standstill

Readings and Workshops Update by Sean Patrick Flahaven

Type-Casting by Peter Filichia

Are you looking for a great print/web designer? The best print/web designer working on Broadway is Evins Design. From the graphic design of Susan Egan's websites to props for the revival of Grease!, Julia Evins is where it is at. Her current project is theidfactory, a web design collective of which she is a member, is creating the new Fynsworth Alley website. Everyone, including me, should hire her. One stop shopping -- who could ask for anything more?

Way-back from the 90's (A retrospect)
Ken Mandelbaum's AISLE VIEW: What Makes Kitty Run? 08-JUN-1997

Are there major changes for the man who put the "T" in Theatre.com?

UPDATE: What a mizerable day here in NYC. Anyway... the emails keep coming in clearing up the story about Kristin Lee Kelly and Rocky Horror. She was cast in RHS to cover Columbia (possibly Joan Jett) and Janet (possibly Alice Ripley)...

Notre Dame de Paris latest show to die in Vegas. Closing notice posted last night.

Rebirth of the Blues? by Ken Mandelbaum

Tech Geek Alert! Here is a story that every website with "Broadway", "Theatre" and "Playbill" in their name should read. Especially the 10 tips at the end of the article.

    Built 2 Order by Roger C. Parker
    Information Architects Construct Their Sites With a Unique Blueprint- A Foundation of Testing, A Floor Plan of Accessibility and a Tower of Functionality.

Theatremania update: Leonard Jacobs is out at Theatremania.com editor as they clean house. There is an executive search being conducted to replace him.

More Blind Mail:

    Rex tells all... Last night after the preview performance of tour of ANNIE GET YOUR GUN in Dallas, Rex Smith treated the cast and crew to an explanation to the size of his... well, talent... Witnesses say Mary Lou is vocally weak in the show so who knows what tonight's opening night performance will bring... REX is already making it known that his agent got him a bad deal with the legends of cheapness: The Weissler's. Rex's wife is his manager. Guess he can't blame her.

The overwhelming mail about Rocky Horror tells me one of two things: 1) There is nothing else going on in town, or 2) This show is going to be a huge hit... so lets get to it...

Blind mail to us:

    Rumor has it: Frankie has been offered to someone who you could get Hooked on...

    Is it true that David Bowie was courted for the role?

    Lea Delaria confirmed as Eddie/ Dr. Scott

    Although Daphne Rubin-Vega was talking about starting Rocky rehearsals soon, it is now rumored at Talkin' Broadway that Kirsten Lee Kelly is Magenta as Daphne turned it down.

Daphne is definitely doing it. Also, I would like to reiterate my opinion that Dan Cryer should be the monster. I mentioned (campaigned for?) this first on 6/19/00...

    Best Little Whorehouse in Texas is being sent out by Niko Associates. It'll play PACE/SFX markets.

    This has been going around...there will be a Broadway revival of FIDDLER ON THE ROOF (Theodore Bikel - Susan Cella) in 2001 and they're talking changes to the original Jerome Robbins staging and designs.

    Any word yet on the Roundabout's soon-to-be-announced Times Square area second stage? Perhaps the Times Square Theatre?

I would think that the Biltmore or Circle would be the spaces that Roundabout would be looking at. Then I received this blind haiku:

    The new Roundabout smaller space is going to be a Place that is American.

SFX Names Howard Schacter Vice President Public Relations

BTN Planning 30-Minute Sept. 10 Teaser for Smokey Joe's PPV

Herman's Miss Spectacular Stalled by Corporate Merger

Time and Again Expected at Manhattan Theatre Club in January 2001

B'way Has 'Love' Affair With Stoppard

Rocky at Circle by Ken Mandelbaum

Rent Actors Threatened

Operation: Angel by Peter Filichia

25 Years of A Chorus Line by Peter Filichia

Salon.com: The Day The Music Died.
The SFX/Clear Channel Merger.

Salon.com: Courtney Love does the math. The controversial singer takes on record label profits, Napster and "sucka VCs."
(Thanks to Bill Jennings for both links.)

I was snooping around Theatremania's website looking for a staff listing or something to give a clue as to what is happening there. I couldn't find anything. I know what you are saying, "BroadwayStars does not have one..." Well, basically I am Sybil. And you pretty much know who I am anyway. It's not like I am Guy Haines. Anyway, the interesting bit of information found on the Theatremania website is that the only job being advertised is the "Director of Advertising". Generally, not a good sign when you need a director for the only line of business that generates revenue.

Does anyone have the Live Broadway Visa Card offered by The League? There is a bit of complaining about the recent change in policies. Although it is advertised as this:

    "The no annual fee, low interest Live Broadway Visa Card. You can earn points toward free theater tickets, Broadway memorabilia, VIP events and trips to New York."

The level of rewards have changed. The League has not been this unfair since, well, since they booted out all the non-producing producers from Tony voting! Anyway, we should all complain to Jed Bernstein.

Concorde Technical Info

Barbara Harris and theatrical producer David Belasco share today as their birthday.

A few readers wrote that it was Christiane Noll, not Kristin Chenoweth, who played Amelia Earhart in a reading of the famous woman aviator. My bad!

Speaking of Christiane, she has a few weeks of dates at Arci's Place where she will be doing her Jazz influenced show. (August 15 - Sept 2. Tuesdays - Fridays at 9PM. Saturdays at 8:30 & 11PM)

Wily Gamester Keeps Theater Alive in Russia

On "Steven (sic) Sondheim" by Peter Filichia

Timothy Gray Matter by Peter Filichia

Sieber, Ferrara, Campbell Star in Avow OB, July 27

You Can't Get a Man (or Woman) with a Gun by Ken Mandelbaum

NYC's Musicals Tonight! Revives Rodgers, Hart, Porter and Berlin in 2000-2001

Ruth Williamson Eyes Kay Thompson as Subject of New Project

Brighton Beach Will Play on Broadway, Minus Broadway Bound

Anyone heard about The Best Little Whorehouse Tour starring Ann-Margaret?

There has been a request for Broadway.com's contact information, so here it is:

    Broadway.com, Inc.
    838 Broadway, 4th Floor
    New York, NY 10003


    Broadway.com c/o Hollywood.com, Inc.
    2255 Glades Rd., Suite 237W
    Boca Raton, FL 33431-7383
    or email us at [email protected]

Disco Diva on the subway? Off and running on a Monday night?

Kristin Chenoweth shares today's birthday with Jacqueline Brookes, Ruth Buzzi, Lynda Carter, Amelia Earhart and Jennifer Lopez. Didn't Kristin do a reading of an Amelia Earhart musical, or am I thinking of someone else?

NY's Ensemble Studio and Producer Epstein Help First Fellows Take "Theatres Next Step"

Sweet's Flyovers Still Fund-Raising and House-Hunting for Fall OB Takeoff
Jeffrey Sweet is quite active over at RATM. If you have a few grand to throw his way, it may be well worth your while for this writer who has had a few shows come thisclose.

Simpatico, Childs, Others Develop Musicals at CT's O'Neill Conference, July 31-Aug. 13

With No Movement, SAG Talks Break Off

Actors Vow To Step Up Campaign

More Than Advertisers Are Feeling the Effects of the Actors' Strike

Bat Boy is at it again, gearing up for yet another reading this week.

Ron Bohmer, "Another Life"

CONFIRMED: Daphne Rubin-Vega is Magenta in The Rocky Horror Show.

On July 23, 1914, Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia following the killing of Archduke Francis Ferdinand by a Serb assassin; the dispute led to World War I.
"Warn the Duke!"

Steven Suskin ON THE RECORD: Aida and a Marvelously Wild Party
I have not been able to get MTC's Wild Party out of my CD player for the last week. I highly recommend it. Julia Murney, Brian d'Arcy James, Taye Diggs and Idina Menzel really show the new wave of Broadway talent.

On July 22. Alex Trebek, John Leguizamo and Charles Weidman share today as their birthday.

Rocky Rumored: Jarrod to Time Warp? Maybe.

Also Rumored: the Rocky actors are looking at LORT rather than Production contracts which means that this show cannot go into a real Broadway house. The Roundabout, Lincoln Center and other non-profits operate under these contracts, but as far as I know this is a commercial venture. In the recent past, LORT has been used for Lincoln Center's CONTACT, Roundabout's CABARET, paying the actors much less than production, while calling themselves a Broadway show -- and charging Broadway prices. This in turn angers commercial producers. If RHS ends up a Circle, and Seussical at the Rodgers, in the same sort of time frame, Seussical will cost the producers at least 30% more to open the show, and they are charging the same price for tix.

New Musical, Golden State, About Loss in CA, Gets NYC Reading July 24

Politics Forces L.A.'s Attic Theatre/NoHo Repertory to Close Its Doors

Baby Case, the Lindbergh Musical, Gets Full Staging at Philly's Arden in 2001

McGovern, Callaway Featured in ASCAP/Kennedy Readings of North and 'Nam, July 28-29

Smokey Joe's Cafe on Pay-Per-View Sept.10

New Lead Producer for Cy Coleman's The Great Ostrovsky

Four Shows to Close in London, But Replacements Are Lining Up

Who Remembers Moose Murders? by Peter Filichia

Mouse Unveils Third Park Plan

Love Changes Everything by Ken Mandelbaum
When I saw this headline, I thought to myself, "Ken has got a major scoop! ALW is going to revive ASPECTS." Then I clicked and realized that something is true: I was the only person who liked that show! But alas, Ken has brought good possibilities: Stokes to do WITCHES and CATS to extend?

Site designs: Stagebill has undergone a redesign. They seem to be positioning themselves as the out of town Playbill, not in news, but as in providing programs and editorial content for large houses.

Speaking of redesigns: I received an email from Andy Propst of American Theatre Web:

    Dear Friends -

    Well, it's the middle of the summer and once again, AmericanTheater Web is gearing up for a major update to the site.

    Starting in early September, AmericanTheater Web will boast an even more user-friendly interface, enhanced search capabilities, and most important, a wealth of information about theaters throughout the county.

    It's for this last reason that I'm writing. When we relaunch, we want to have a full page devoted to each theater on ATW. It will include not only a description at length, but also, contact information, season information and, of course, a listing of shows for the 2000-2001 season.

    If you would please take a moment, and click to http://www.americantheaterweb.com/
    and fill out the form, I would be most appreciative. When the "prototype" for the new site is ready, I will write you and let you know where to find it so that you can submit your comments.

    As always, many thanks.

    Andy Propst

So if you are a theatre company, hike it over to there and let Andy know what you are up to.



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