All stories by Luis Guilherme Barbosa Dos Santos, Mariana Tagliari, Onira De Ávila Pinheiro Tancrede, Robson Corrêa De Camargo, on BroadwayStars

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The ENTRE Festival in Midwest Brazil by Luis Guilherme Barbosa Dos Santos, Mariana Tagliari, Onira De Ávila Pinheiro Tancrede, Robson Corrêa De Camargo, and Ronei Vieira Nogueira

ENTRE, is a Portuguese verb in the imperative tense that invites us to enter. That says to us: Enter! Entre.Between.Pomiędzy, a festival that took place in Midwest Brazil in 2022, extended …

SOURCE: at 05:23AM

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