All stories by Vaughan Edwards on BroadwayStars

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Book Review: FROM CAMELOT TO SPAMALOT: Musical Retellings of Arthurian Legend on Stage and Screen (Megan Woller) by Vaughan Edwards

ART FOR ARTHUR’S SAKE It all started in 1485. In Le Morte d’Arthur, Sir Thomas Malory gathered the tales of King Arthur and his knights into a single work for the first time. As luck wou…

SOURCE: Stage and Cinema at 08:55AM
Sunday, May 16, 2021

Book Review: BROADWAY GOES TO WAR: AMERICAN THEATER DURING WORLD WAR II (Robert L. McLaughlin & Sally E. Perry) by Vaughan Edwards

THIS MEANS WAR, ER, ENTERTAINMENT “War, war, war! This war talk’s spoiling all the fun at every party this Spring! I get so bored I could scream!” That of course is Scarlett O’Hara t…

SOURCE: Stage and Cinema at 07:27AM
Friday, April 9, 2021

Album Review: ANYONE CAN WHISTLE (First Complete Recording from Jay Records) by Vaughan Edwards

ANYONE CAN WHISTLE, BUT VERY FEW CAN WRITE A SCORE LIKE THIS According to Collins English Dictionary, a cult classic is “a work of art with a small but passionate fan base”. It can be a …

SOURCE: Stage and Cinema at 06:37AM

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